

Course Topics


Knowledge of National legislation, Indian Merchant Shipping Act, knowledge of International Treaties, Conventions, Protocols, Rules legislations & regulations including United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS)

1.1 Explain International legislation; national legislation and method of adoption of the above legislations

(i) Explain about Indian Merchant Shipping Act and various rules under it

(ii) Explain UN convention on carriage of goods at sea

(iii) Explain about Hamburg and Hague-visby rules.

(iv) Define the following conventions (a) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) (b) International Convention on Load Lines (LL), (c) Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement (STP), (d) Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), (e) International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), (f) Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT), (g) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), (h) International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR), (i) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, (MARPOL) (j) International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (INTERVENTION) (k) International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (OPRC), (l) International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships (TONNAGE), (m) Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA), (n) Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf (SUAPROT), (o) International Convention on Salvage (SALVAGE),

(v) Define adopting a convention

(vi) Explain various conventions on Liability and Compensation

(vii) Explain Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession

(viii) Explain that the Amendments will be made to the regulations as and when required

(ix) Explain that the enforcement of IMO conventions depends upon the Governments of Member Parties.

(x) Relationship between Conventions and interpretation

(xi) Defines Uniform law and conflict of law rules

(xii) Discuss legislation on Sox and NOx emissions

(xiii) Full awareness of the international treaties and protocols at port

(xiv) Explain United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Territorial sea and contiguous zone, straits used for international navigation, Archipelagic states, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, high seas, protection and preservation of the marine environment, settlement of disputes

1.2 International Maritime Organization (IMO) and IMO's Conventions Related to Safety, Related to Pollution, Related to Liability and Compensation and Related to other subjects. Explain that IMO is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.

 (i) Maritime Safety: (a) Recommendations on the safe transport of dangerous cargoes and related activities in port areas (b) Fire Protection, fire detection and fire extinction (Summary of SOLAS Chapter II-2) (c) Implementation, Control and Coordination (d) Casualties (e) Reporting to IMO of marine safety investigations and marine casualties and incidents (f) Applicable IMO instruments on casualty matters (g) Port State Control (h) Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme (ITCP) (i) The Voluntary IMO Member State Audit Scheme (j) Surveys, Verifications and Certification (k) The IMO ship identification number scheme (l) Improvement of navigational safety. (m) Goal-based construction standards for new ships (n) Stability and Subdivision (o) Safety regulations for different types of ships (p) Other Safety Topics

(ii) Maritime security: (a) Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS on Special measures to enhance maritime security and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (b) Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, 2005 Protocol to the SUA Convention (c) The ILO/IMO Code of practice on security in ports (d) Acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships

(iii) Marine Environment: (a) Pollution Response & Pollution Incidents (b) Ballast Water Management (c) The International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships (d) The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009 (the Hong Kong Convention) (e) Special Programmes and Initiatives

(iv) Liability and Compensation for Ship-Source Marine Pollution: 2. ISO 9001-2008, ISM Code, – Ship board internal audit – Total Quality Management:

(i) Interpret and understand the ISM Code with the inter-relationship to the ISO 9001:2008

(ii) An Introduction to Quality and Safety Management Systems.

(iii) An Introduction to the “Guidelines on the Application of the ISM Code” and its relationship to ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001, OH&S systems and ISPS.

(iv) Types of Audit – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Party fully explained with practical case studies.

(v) Auditing Techniques: Planning – Preparation – Performance – Reporting and Follow-up – Close Outs.

(vi) Writing Audit Findings as Audit Reports including accidents, incidents and hazardous occurrences.

(vii) Corrective and Preventive Action and being able to identify Major and Minor Non-Conformances and Observations.

(viii) Requirements to become a Lead Auditor for Quality, Safety, Environmental and Security Management Systems.

(ix) Quality Management System certification requirements.

(x) ISM certification requirements (DOC and SMC).

(xi) Interactive training, combining lectures and videos with practical application of the techniques and requirements in team role-play scenarios.

(xii) Explain that Total quality management (TQM) is one of the management techniques widely applied by organizations that commit to achieving a world-class quality standard.

(xiii) Explain that the technique facilitates the establishment of a management system that enables organizational growth through a framework for continuous improvement.

(xiv) Explain that the system aims to help cultivate quality initiatives from every individual working within the organization.

(xv) It also helps individuals to acquire the commitment, knowledge and skills to improve his or her own work within an enabling environment.

3. Classification societies and their functions. Certificates and documents as per international convention.

(i) Explain flags of convenience

(ii) Explain the need and duties of classification society & Discuss about classification

(iii) Classification surveys (a) Explain Continuous survey of machinery and other methods of machinery surveys (b) Explain Continuous survey of hull and other methods of hull surveys (c) Explain Enhanced special survey programmes

(iv) Assignment, maintenance, suspension and withdrawal of class

(v) Ship inspections for first entry into Indian flag - Explain Section 27(1) of the M.S. Act and Rule 5 of the M.S. (Registration of Indian Ships) Rules, 1960, either by the Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) or the Indian Register of Shipping (IRS). - discusses MSL Branch Circular 2 of 2008

4. Ship Stability: (i) Explain Ship stability- during dry docking

(ii) Explain damage stability during flooding and grounding.

(iii) Explain Counter measures to be taken to maintain stability during the above

(iv) Define and Explain IMO Regulations on ship stability; control of trim, stability & stress (a) Explain SOLAS chapter II-1, part B, regulations 5 to 25 (b) Explain MARPOL regulations 27, 28

(v) Define and Explain International Intact Stability Code - Explain The International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (2008 IS CODE), presents mandatory and recommendatory stability criteria and other measures for ensuring the safe operation of ships, to minimize the risk to such ships, to the personnel on board and to the environment

(vi) Explain probabilistic method of damage stability assessment (a) describe a method for developing probability density functions (b) describe struck ship damage in ship collisions.

(vii) Explain that Struck and striking ship speed, collision angle, striking ship type and striking ship displacement are treated as independent random variables.

5. SOLAS Convention: (i) SOLAS Convention; procedure to determine applicability of regulations to ships of different build (a) briefly Explain about the articles of International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (b) briefly Explain about the 1988 protocol (c) briefly Explain about the various surveys and certificates

(ii) Explain briefly sections of the convention (a) Chapter I – General Provisions (b) Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations (c) Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction (d) Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements (e) Chapter IV – Radio communications (f) Chapter V – Safety of navigation (g) Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes (h) Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods (i) Chapter VIII – Nuclear ships (j) Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships (k) Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft (l) Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety (m) Chapter XI-2 – Special measures to enhance maritime security (n) Chapter XII – Additional safety measures for bulk carriers

(iii) SOLAS updates and amendments: (a) Explain about the various amendments made from time to time, (b) Discuss about the latest amendments and their applicability with validity dates etc.

6. Official log books and procedures relating to entries (i) Legislation requirements (a) Explain that the log book is a book containing the official record of trips made by a ship (b) Explain that the log book is an official channel of communication between the master and the administration and it is a document which is acceptable in evidence in court proceedings. (c) Explain about the various legislation requirements regarding upkeep of logbook as wells as entries to be made.

7. Monitor and control Compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment:

(i) Details knowledge of relevant international maritime law embodied in international agreements and conventions

(ii) Regard shall be paid especially to the following subject:

(iii) Certificates and other documents required to be carried onboard ships by international conventions, how they may be obtained and the period of their legal validity

(iv) Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines

(v) Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

(vi) Responsibilities under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

(vii) Knowledge of national legislation for implementing international agreements and conventions

(viii) Chief Engineer's role in Tanker Vetting and SIRE Inspections TMSA Procedures and Bulk Carrier Structural Inspections (RIGHTSHIP Programme) Marine environment awareness Model course.

(ix) Ship inspections for Charter Party requirements

8. Ship security system (i) ISPS code - Explain part A and part B of ISPS code regarding mandatory requirements and guidance as per the provisions of Chapter XI - 2

(ii) Piracy threat and anti piracy measures - discusses the piracy threat, existing and proposed counter piracy measures

(iii) Current Industry best management practices (from ICS) (a) Explain Best Management Practices guidance as per Marine Safety Committee circulars (b) Discusses the best management practices suggested by INTERTANKO, ICS, BIMCO, OCIMF etc.

9. World Health Organization & International Labour Organization: (i) World Health Organization (WHO) - Explain that The United Nations public health arm. Monitors disease outbreaks, assesses the performance of health systems around the globe

(ii) International Health Regulation 2005 and Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate and Ship Sanitation Control Certificate (a) Explain International Health Regulations (2005) ("IHR (2005)") have introduced new certification procedures for ships. (b) Explain that the new certificates are entitled Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate/Ship Sanitation Control Certificate ("Ship Sanitation Certificates" or "SSC"). (c) Explain that these SSC replace the previous Deratting/ Deratting Exemption Certificates ("DC/DEC") provided for under the IHR (1969). (d) Explain the implementation of this new health document by States Parties to the IHR (2005).

(iii) Maritime declaration of health (a) Explain that the master has to complete and sign a Maritime Declaration of Health. (b) States that the standard international form has to be used. (c) Explain the requirement of Particulars that have to be reported (as per standard form): 1. Ship Sanitation Exemption / Control Certificate expiry date; 2. The number of passengers and crew

(iv) WHO's Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality

(v) International Labour Organization (ILO) - Explain that he International Labor Organization (ILO) is the UN agency with responsibility for the world of work. (vi) Maritime Labor Certificate and Declaration of Maritime Labor Compliance – briefly describes Regulation 5.1.3 - Maritime labor certificate and declaration of maritime labor compliance

10. Ship surveys and inspections for port state control / flag state control Various MOUs and their salient features.

10.1 Explain that Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.

(i) Discusses Update on implementing Port State Control Directive applicable from time to time

(ii) Define that FlagState refers to the authority under which a country exercises regulatory control over the commercial vessel which is registered under its flag.

(iii) Define the duties of a FlagState (iv) Explain the role of the FlagState (v) FlagState responsibilities as defined by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) & The International Shipping Federation (ISF)

(vi) Explain that Flag States should participate in the IMO Member State Audit Scheme

(vii) Discusses various Commitments under MOU

(viii) Explain the Relevant instruments used by MOU authorities

(ix) Explain Inspection Procedures, Rectification and Detention

(x) Discusses Provision of information by authorities

(xi) Explain Operational violations

(xii) States that any Authority may propose amendments to the Memorandum, and the enforcement of amendments

10.2 Explain about initial survey, periodical survey, renewal survey, intermediate survey, annual survey, additional survey

(i) Explains Harmonized system of ship survey and certification

(ii) Tacit acceptance in LL Convention

(iii) Types of ship survey

(iv) List of certificates required on board ship relating to harmonized system of survey and certification

(v) Explain general survey requirements

Ship Operations & Commercial/ Legal Aspects

11. P&I Clubs, - principles of protection & indemnity Insurance – types of P&I covers available – their modes of operation

(i) Explain the principle of indemnity and insurance - Growth of third party liabilities, Mutuality, Moral hazard, Willful misconduct.

(ii) Explain the different covers available under P & I - cargo insurance, protection and indemnity insurance, death and personal injury on board etc., running down clause and fixed or floating objects, repatriation of sick or injured crew and hospital expenses, Loss of personal effects of the crew, loss of damage to cargo, liability for stowaways, liability for oil pollution and other types of pollution, legal liability for wreck removal.

(iii) Explain the modes of operation

(iv) Charter party, and role of Chief Engineer in compliance of charter party (a) Explain time charter, voyage charter & bare boat charter (b) The importance of correct labelling of bunker (c) The importance of an efficient fuel oil treatment system (d) Chief engineer’s role in collecting samples and sending the sample fuel, lubricating oil for analysis on periodical basis (e) Chief engineer’s responsibilities in maintaining the machinery to enable smooth voyage to meet the charter party requirements

(v) Marine insurance - discuss marine insurance act, Essentials of the valid marine insurance contract, Contract of indemnity, Insurable interest, Fair dealing, Sea worthiness, Non deviation, Legality of the venture, Condition of the cargo, General consideration, general principles of insurance, Institute time clauses, types of marine insurance covers, Particular and General Average Act.

(vi) Salvage: (a) Explain that Marine salvage is the process of rescuing a ship, its cargo, or other property from peril. (b) International Convention on Salvage 1989 and Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage (LOF 2000) (c) Classification of salvage - Offshore salvage, Harbor salvage, Cargo and equipment salvage, Wreck removal, Afloat salvage, Clearance salvage. (d) Types of salvage - contract salvage, pure salvage, naval salvage. (e) discuss ship salvage and the law

12. Emergency Preparedness: (i) Emergency preparedness for - oil spill, fire, flooding, collision, grounding and accident involving personnel

(ii) Study of emergency and damage control plans (a) Damage control involves all aspects of damage that a ship may encounter. (b) The vital damage control systems aboard ship include - Communications, Emergency power, Pumping system, Fire main, Drainage system.

(iii) Details of the measures used and adopted

(iv) Maintenance and drills to be conducted

(v) Define damage control strategies - Line of action before the damage occurs, Reduce the effects of damage after it has occurred, Emergency repairs to damage caused by accident, Restoration of services to ship after damage has occurred

(vi) Validate damage control tactics - Trained personnel, Available equipment & materials, desired results. Supervise the maintenance, sharing higher responsibilities, co-ordinate with authorities and owners.

(vii) Case studies of accidents; root cause analysis & Reporting procedures

(viii) Risk assessment prior commencement of work - Define risk assessment, Define risk management, Explain ALARP, Explain risk management and its importance, ISM Code – Explicit as amended, EU Regulations, IMO, Flag Requirements, Industry Best Practice – TMSA – Mandatory, Discuss Company Responsibility, Different methods for hazard identification and assessment of the risks, Discuss the benefits of risk management.

(ix) Detection/ Breakdowns/ repairs/ restoration: (a) Failure of cross-head bearing/ main bearing/ bottom end bearings of main engine (b) Breakage of chain drives of main engine (c) Breakdown on turbo chargers (d) Breakdown of main air conditioning and fridge system (e) Collapse/ failure of multiple boiler water tubes (f) Major contamination of main L.O. sump – Action/ handling/ rectification. (g) Severe flooding of engine room bilges – Action/ handling/ rectification.

Human Resource Management Aspects

13. Human relations and modern management principles. (i) Organizational behavior

(ii) Understand how perceived behaviour of organization and individuals is influenced

(iii) Explore the methods by which the behaviour of members of organization are constrained and influenced

(iv) Discuss the nature of information and communication in relation to Organization and their environment

(v) Describe the types and nature of conflicts in organization (vi) Study the influence of human factors in systems

(vii) Awareness & appreciation of cross / multi cultural aspects of man management on board ships

(viii) Workload management, Planning and coordination, Personnel assignment / Delegation

(ix) Time and resource Constraints, Prioritization, Effective resource management

(x) Allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources

(xi) Effective communication on board and ashore

(xii) Decisions reflect consideration of team experience

(xiii) Assertiveness and leadership, including motivation

(xiv) Obtaining and maintaining situation awareness

(xv) Decision-making techniques, Situation and risk assessment / risk management

(xvi) Identify and generate options, Select course of action

(xvii) Evaluation of outcome Effectiveness, Prevention of human error, Reasons

(xviii) Corrective actions, Error pyramid

(xix) Development, implementation, and oversight of standard operating procedures

(xx) Crisis management on board ships, Human behaviour in crisis, Leadership in crisis

(xxi) Importance of emergency drills

14. Leadership and managerial skills (i) Explain that Leadership is a combination of character traits and learned skills

(ii) States the importance of effective interpersonal communication

(iii) Explain about team building and motivational skills, good managerial skills - develop the practice of sound record keeping, encourage team work - present case study, erase ‘us’ from ‘them’ feeling, facilitate rather than dictate, daily and weekly plan for both administrative and creative tasks (a) Explain work delegation and its importance (b) Explain and demonstrate how to handle stress (c) Explain how to set target or goals

(iv) Personality development (a) Explain about choosing competent subordinates (b) Explain the need for demonstrating high moral standards (c) Explain the need for non abusing the power (d) role plays and importance of being a role model (e) present case studies, power point slides available

15. Training of trainers. Chief Engineer as trainer for engine room staff: (i) Skills needed for the chief engineer to be a trainer – Comprehension, Conceptualization, Creativity and Conduct

(ii) personal qualities of chief engineer as trainer - Personal skills, Confidence, Voice modulation, Adjusting to environment, Ability to listen, Theatrical skills, Flexible, Cools headed, Desire to learn, Ability to relate, Sense of humor

(iii) Explain the training process (a) Determine (Requires Comprehension skill) (b) Design and Development (Requires Conceptualization and Creativity skill) (c) Deployment (Requires Conduct skill) (d) Determine (Requires Comprehension skill)

(iv) Details the Discipline required on board and the need for counseling

(v) Explain House keeping, need for safety and hygiene.

(vi) Explain the Need analysis and development

(vii) Explain that by being a role model others can be motivated

(viii) Details the importance of Mentoring

(ix) Encouraging group participation and Explain the advantage of group discussion and its outcome

16. Inventory management, including: (i) Spares, stores - Explain quantity of inventory called the safety stock, Explain when to re-order spares or stores, Explain the formula ROP = SSQ + (QUD x ALT)

(ii) Explain what is a Lead time.

(iii) Explain about calculating the bunker requirements and maintaining the level Inventory of Fuel oil

(iv) Explain Inventory of lub oil, Use of low BN cylinder oil for low sulphur fuel

(v) Explain and details Management of quality of above

(vi) Discusses certain relevant case studies either from previous cases or from MAIB

17. Management Information Systems: (i) Computer system resources

(ii) Decision Support system and expert system: (a) Explain Decision Support System aid in problem solving by allowing for manipulation of data & models whereas Expert System allow experts to 'teach' computers about their field so that the system may support more of the decision making process for less expert decision makers. (b) Explain the benefits of decision support system and expert system

(iii) Types of decision support systems (a) Computer based information system - it includes knowledge based systems, communication driven DSS, data-driven DSS, document-driven DSS, and model-driven DSS.

18. Records (i) Record making, keeping and its interpretation for complete engine room with regard to maintenance & operation (ii) C/E s standing orders / night order book / updation of circulars, New ORB entries & Other records as per MARPOL requirements

Technical Management Aspects

19. Economizing of fuel consumption (i) Explain Effective power balancing; Propulsive characteristics of Diesel Engines including speed, output and fuel consumption (ii) Explain Bunker management, Explain the Use of low sulphur fuel, Change over procedures (iii) Explain the current version of ISO 8217 fuel standards (iv) Explain Factors affecting vessel’s performance, Discusses about load diagrams

20. Budgeting (i) Explain that Cost value analysis (CVA) is an effective way to reduce the costs

(ii) Fixed and consumable costs

(iii) Explain Voyage expenses are all expenses unique to a particular voyage, including any bunker fuel expenses, port fees, cargo loading and unloading expenses, canal tolls, agency fees and commissions.

(iv) Explain about Dry-dock and repair cost analysis

(v) Explain Down time realization


21. Practical electricity and electronics (i) High voltage on ships (a) Define the high voltage & HV Systems on vessels & advantages of high voltage applications (b) Explain about the safety requirements while working on the high voltage systems (c) Explain Effects of short circuit and protection against short circuit (d) Busbar arrangements and insulation requirements (e) Benefits of HV systems, Explain typical marine HV systems with diagrams (f) Protection system for DG & TG, motor protection, describe HV cargo switch board (g) Procedure for meggering high voltage systems, Major Risk Factors in HV systems (h) Discuss inter electrode capacitances and HV inductances

(ii) Electrical propulsion (a) Concept of Electrical Propulsion (b) Explain about the Azipod propulsion systems (c) Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of electrical propulsion system (d) Use of synchronous motor for electrical propulsion (e) Explain with the sketches, the construction of Azipod section. (f) Discusses the maintenance requirement for such arrangement (g) Discusses about the speed control by varying the frequency (Pulse Width Modulation)

(iii) Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) and vacuum circuit breakers (a) Discusses the various circuit breakers normally used (b) Use of SF6 and vacuum circuit’s breakers and their advantages are discussed in regard to high voltage application. (c) Arc sustaining and quenching methods are explained

Latest Technical Developments

22. Engine developments (i) Camshaft less main engines and other diesel engine developments (a) explain the electronic governor (b) explain the common rail system for fuel injection (c) control system for the camshaft less engines

(ii) New developments in tribology (a) explain lubrication of bearings and latest developments (b) alpha cylindrical lubricator system Explained (c) discusses about Fuel Dilution in Lubricating Oils and their avoidance, methods available etc. (d) discusses about friction-speed characteristics in regard to lubrication (e) explain hydrodynamic lubrication of lip seal etc.

(iii) Propulsion system developments - discussion and explanation about the developments like contra rotating propellers, wake equalizing ducts, cavity system of propulsion, water jet propulsion, electrical propulsion, PTO/ PTI system in the conventional diesel electric propulsion etc.